Certified WordPress Course

Certified WordPress Course

Certified WordPress Course

Course Curriculum

Introduction to WordPress

Lesson 1: Introduction to WordPress and its history
Lesson 2: Setting up a local development environment
Lesson 3: Understanding WordPress themes and plugins
Quiz : What is WordPress?

Installing WordPress Locally

Lesson 1: Closing Down Local Site
Lesson 2: How to install WordPress on your PC
Lesson 3: Desktop Server Updated – Insecure Fix

A first look around WordPress

Lesson 1: The Gutenberg Editor
Lesson 2: The WordPress Dashboard
Lesson 3: Post & Page Editor(s)ix
Quiz: WordPress Dashboard

WordPress Settings, Plugins & Themes

Lesson 1: Setting up a Gravatar
Lesson 2: Plugins & Adding a Sitemap
Lesson 3: Allowing Comments & Comment Moderation

Website Content with Posts & Pages

Lesson 1: WordPress Posts v WordPress Pages
Lesson 2: Social Sharing
Lesson 3: Importance of Post Excerpts
Quiz 1: WordPress Loop

WordPress Security

Lesson 1: Introduction to WordPress Security
Lesson 2: What to Do if a Plugin Locks you Out
Lesson 3: How to change your WordPress Author Page Name (Advanced)
Quiz 1: WordPress Plugins

What Will I Learn?

Know how to configure WordPress for best results
Understand plugins & themes and how to find/install them
Protect their WordPress website from hackers and spammers
Create a static homepage useful for most websites, or a blog post like homepage useful for bloggers.
Create an affiliate site for passive, recurring income
Create a Responsive Website that looks good on any browser

Requirements / Instructions

No prior knowledge of WordPress is required as everything will be covered in this course.
You will need a working computer and a web browser connected to the internet.
You don’t need any coding experience at all. That is the beauty of WordPress.

Rules and Regulations

Xio offers a broad and open atmosphere to Learn WordPress Courses in Rawalpindi. But you will need to follow some rules while in the duration of our course, i.e.

  • You cannot bring prohibited items.
  • Entrance is only allowed with a student id card.
  • Political or religious discussions are not allowed.

Course Certification:

We offer a comprehensive WordPress course with a certificate to every individual at the end of the course.
A golden Certificate is also available, which would be given to the person who secures the most marks. The test would be conducted at the end based on his determination during the course.

Shoaib Ahmad
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