Become a Instagram Advertiser

Become a Instagram Advertiser

Become a Instagram Advertiser

Course Curriculum

Introduction to Instagram

Lesson 1: Understanding Instagram and its potential
Lesson 2: Lab 1: Setting up an Instagram profile and creating a content plan
Lesson 3: Setting up a professional profile
Lesson 4: Lab 2: Understanding Instagram algorithms and ways to improve visibility
Lesson 5: Creating a content strategy
Quiz 1: Introduction to Instagram

Building an Engagement & Followers

Lesson 1: Identifying and targeting your audience
Lesson 2: Lab 1: Researching and selecting hashtags for your niche
Lesson 3: Creating and utilizing hashtags
Lesson 4: Lab 2: Reaching out to other accounts for collaboration
Lesson 5: Networking and collaboration with other accounts
Quiz 1: Optimizing & Measuring Success

Optimizing and Measuring Success

Lesson 1: Understanding Instagram Analytics
Lesson 2: Lab 1: Analyzing and interpreting your Instagram insights
Lesson 3: Improving engagement through A/B testing
Lesson 4: Lab 2: Conducting A/B testing on different post types
Lesson 5: Paid advertising on Instagram
Quiz 1: Optimizing & Measuring Success

Advanced Growth Techniques

Lesson 1: Influencer marketing on Instagram
Lesson 2: Lab 1: Researching and selecting influencers for your niche
Lesson 3: Utilizing Instagram stories for increased engagement
Lesson 4: Lab 2: Creating and analyzing the performance of Instagram Stories
Lesson 5: Creating and managing a successful Instagram campaign

What Will I Learn?

Have valuable skills that will help you effectively build a strong community of Instagram


Convert them to paying customers, and finally, sell them your products and services.
You’ll also receive practice activities, live demonstrations, and helpful resources.
Gather a strong, relevant following to increase the profit of your business.

Targeted Audience

Businesses and Personal users who are new to Instagram or have less than 10,000 Instagram followers.
Everyone who wants to grow their Instagram followers
Become proficient at all the marketing tools available

Total Course Duration

5 Hour

Shoaib Ahmad
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